AI Video: The Future is Now

AI Video: The Future is Now

Ai in Hollywood

15 Jul 2024

Remember When Videos Were Real?

Remember those days when you could watch a video and be absolutely sure it was real? You knew the faces, the voices—they were all genuine. Not anymore. The line between real and AI-generated is blurring. Get ready, because AI video is about to change everything.

The AI Takeover of Hollywood

Hollywood has always been about magic. But now, the magic isn’t just on screen—it’s in the tech. AI is taking over, and it’s not just a subtle wave; it’s a tsunami. The future of movies isn’t in the hands of directors anymore; it’s in the code of AI.

Understanding AI Video

First, let’s get one thing straight: AI video is not about copying. It’s about creating. Many people think AI just memorizes and reproduces. Wrong. Generative AI, like ChatGPT, generates new content from scratch. It doesn’t just predict the next word or replicate an image; it creates something entirely new​ (Bain)​.

Tokens: The Building Blocks

ChatGPT started with text, generating words one token at a time. But tokens can be anything: images, sounds, videos. AI doesn’t just learn; it understands. It builds a mental model of the world. Show it thousands of car pictures, and it learns what a car is. But more importantly, it understands depth, physics, and perspective, even from flat images​ (Bain)​.

Creating New Realities

AI video generators don’t just stitch together clips. They create new scenes based on their understanding of the world. Ask for a bird flying, and the AI generates it—not by copying but by creating. It’s not perfect, but it’s getting better every day. The errors are fewer, the realism greater. It’s like teaching a child who learns from every mistake.

Scaling AI’s Capabilities

The more data and computing power these models get, the better they become. OpenAI’s Sora, for instance, produces videos that look shockingly real. Hollywood is noticing. Directors and actors are using AI to create scenes that would be too expensive or risky to shoot traditionally​.

The Future of Filmmaking

Picture this: you have an idea for a movie. You write a script, feed it into an AI, and it generates the entire film. No need for cameras, actors, or sets. Just pure, digital creation. Ashton Kutcher is already playing around with this tech. He says you can create short, realistic videos that would cost thousands to produce traditionally. Why hire a stuntman to jump off a building when AI can do it safely and cheaply?​

Challenges and Opportunities

Of course, there are challenges. AI still makes mistakes. It doesn’t always get physics right. But the progress is undeniable. And with more resources, these models will only get better. They will become world simulators, capable of creating entire digital realities​ (Bain)​.


AI video is not just a fad; it’s the future. It’s not about replacing filmmakers but augmenting their capabilities. It’s about creating new possibilities. The lines between reality and AI are blurring, and we’re just at the beginning. The future of video is digital, and it’s here now.


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