Runway Gen-3's Magic Show: Where's the Rabbit in the Hat?

Runway Gen-3's Magic Show: Where's the Rabbit in the Hat?

Runway Gen 3 shot

18 Jul 2024

Runway Gen-3's Magic Show: Where's the Rabbit in the Hat?

Runway Gen-3 is like a magician pulling endless rabbits out of a hat. Every video it conjures is a visual feast, a kaleidoscope of colors and patterns that leave you breathless. It's a testament to the power of AI to unleash creativity like never before.

But amidst all the spectacle, there's a nagging question:

Where's the substance?

Sure, it's fun to watch Gen-3 paint masterpieces with moving pixels. But can it tell a story? Can it string together a sequence of shots that form a coherent narrative, without relying on visual trickery to distract from a lack of substance?

Maybe we're the ones holding it back?

Maybe we're so accustomed to traditional storytelling that we're trying to fit this square peg into a round hole. Perhaps Gen-3 is meant to transcend the old rules, to redefine what we consider a "good" story.

But until it can master the basics—consistent characters, believable settings, and a narrative arc that doesn't feel like a random series of events—it's all just smoke and mirrors.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not advocating for boring, formulaic videos. I want to see Gen-3 push the boundaries of creativity. But even the most experimental films need a foundation, a structure to hold them together.

So, here's my challenge

to all you Gen-3 wizards: Show me the magic behind the curtain. Show me a video that tells a simple story, one that doesn't rely on flashy visuals to mask a lack of coherence.

Show me a character that remains consistent throughout the narrative, a setting that doesn't change with every cut, and a storyline that flows naturally from beginning to end.

I'm not asking for a Spielberg epic. I'm asking for the basics, done well. The kind of video that leaves you feeling satisfied, not just visually stimulated.

Prove to me that Gen-3 can do more than just dazzle. Prove to me that it can tell a story that resonates, a story that sticks with you long after the last frame fades to black.

And to all you viewers out there, I challenge you to share your own examples. Let's see what Gen-3 is truly capable of when it's not just showing off its artistic muscles. Let's see if it can tell a story that truly connects.

Based UK. Works Worldwide.


Based UK. Works Worldwide.


Based UK. Works Worldwide.